Monday, March 26, 2012

Long Week

Sorry folks for not posting anything for over a week! I was feeling a little sick, but am starting to feel better now and ready to post something! I've been thinking about a few different topics to write about over the next week or two...juicing, Claire's favorite meal, our favorite dips and spreads, and eating lower-sodium or sodium-free meals. So that's what you have to look forward too!

I also would like to refer you to my friend Angie's blog: While I'm writing about what to eat, Angie is writing about the science behind eating a predominately plant-based diet and its benefits. Also, in my very first post, I mentioned some of the books that inspired me to change my eating habits (aka Eat to Live, The China Study, etc.). Well, there is a great documentary, Forks Over Knives, that highlights the most important findings from The China Study and also follows various people and their journey to health following a plant-based diet. It's only 96 minutes and if you have Netflix instant play, you can watch it on there! I also have a copy of the movie so if anyone in the Portland area is interested, you're welcome to borrow mine!

I'm going to relax now for the evening, but I promise to not go this long again without posting!

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