Hello and welcome to my blog! If you're wondering about the title, "Munchkie" is my nickname for my 16-month old daughter, Claire. This blog is intended to share with the world my adventures in cooking healthy, plant-based meals for my family. It is definitely a challenge making meals that are enjoyed by both Claire and my husband, however it is a challenge that I love undertaking!
Over the past 4 years, I have read multiple books including The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Eat to Live, Super Immunity, and Disease-Proof Your Child by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and have been amazed and excited by the benefits of eating a mostly plant-based diet. Both authors have documented the incredible effects of diet on various disease such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. In many cases, some of these diseases were reversed or the disease progression slowed greatly by simply following a plant-based diet. Reading these books have changed my life and eating habits forever. Although I still have a weakness for sweets and french fries, my overall daily food choices are centered around whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts.
My goal in writing this blog is to inspire family, friends, and strangers to add more fruits, veggies, and whole foods to their diet and to learn that eating healthy can be delicious. Ultimately, I'd love to start writing healthy cookbooks for children. I figured a blog was a good first step toward that goal :) So welcome and enjoy!
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